One of the ways the Westgate PSO supported students and families during the pandemic was by purchasing school supplies for all students. We’re excited to share we’re planning on continuing to fund school supplies for all students!
Teachers may request a few specific supplies and backpacks won’t be provided. More info will be coming. If you’re able, you can donate to help support the PSO. We hope you are all having a fabulous summer!
![]() Read the February Newsletters: Vol 6 Issue 1 Vol 6 Issue 2 There's important info about the Read-a-thon, the Challenge to get more parents to attend PSO meetings and win a prize for their student's teacher, spirit wear, and other ways to support the PSO. ![]() Here's the latest newsletter! Here's a snippet: "Challenge from our PSO to Westgate parents. We are looking to have more parents at our General Meetings. These meetings take place on the third Wednesday of each month from 6:30pm til approx 7:30pm. The best part is it's on zoom so you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home. You can even be in your PJs. The link for the zoom is sent out the Wednesday of the meeting both here in the newsletter and from Michele in the office through email. February's meeting is Wednesday Feb. 17th. Mark your calendars!! Our challenge to you is the classroom that gets the most parents to attend the next meeting and stay for most of the meeting, not only will that teacher will get a gift card to use for their class however they see fit but the families in that classroom will receive a surprise in their materials at next material distribution day. Can you help your classroom win?" ![]() We've got links for the last three newsletters here! Info about the Family Support Survey, Charleston Wrap Fundraiser, Spirit Wear (including masks, golf umbrellas!), and writing to the Westgate Cougar! November 12, 2020 newsletter November 4, 2020 newsletter October 28, 2020 newsletter Check out the latest few email newsletters: September 30 Newsletter includes Westgate Cleanup Photos - thanks to all who participated; October Issue 1 Newsletter with info about Fred Meyer Reward Program and other fundraising updates; and the October Issue 2 Newsletter with info about school pictures and the yearbook! You can see all the Newsletters by going here:
Read the message from the PSO Board, get to know the Board members, and start learning about how to get involved with the PSO in the September Newsletter!
You can also sign up for our email newsletter below. |